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The fabularies adventures of Zach Galou in Great Briton - just a sip then

Zach Galou fell rapidly asleep under the regular clinking of horses' steps. He was unaware of the dramatic situation that was taking place outside. When he arouse, the fright halted his hearth from flowing his already a bit contaminated blood for a few instants.

"Beware you fool!" shouted he. "What are you doing on this side of the road? It is a bloody miracle that all those cars have dodged us until now! Go back to the right lane quick!". But as the stagecoach driver was English he couldn't actually understand what Zach Galou said for he was speaking in English. Zach Galou looked at the cars that were overtaking them, one was driven by a very old woman, the other by a very small woman, the next by a thirteen year old girl, another one by a totally veiled woman, and all the other were actually without drivers nor steering wheel!

For he obtained his brevet des colèges as soon as on his third attempt, Zach Galou was not totally unfamiliar with abstract reasoning. Here was what he was thinking: if all the cars were driving on the wrong side of the road therefore when crossing a road instead of watching first left, then ahead, then on the right, it was necessary to watch first on the right, then behind, then on the left, which was as weird as it is unpractical.

What a strange country thought he, not only the cars were running on the wrong side of the road, bu they also swapped the conductor and the dead's places. In England the sun may still be flying from East to West as the people here can not have their word about it, it is very likely that they walk backwards or eat their dinner at the breakfast.

(Actually I have a theory about that, which is that if the English eat bacon, beans, fish, eggs, ham, sausages in the morning, it is just because the fried eggs are easy to prepare, and the rest of the menu is likely to be the leftover from the last evening diner or last evening barbecue.)

The stagecoach driver stopped the wagon in a service station in order to rehay the horses. Zach Galou got off and went to the restaurant for he was a bit hungry.

Will Zach Galou be stronger than English food? How boring this story will continue to be? Will Zach Galou finally discover (reciprocal) love? You will have the answer to all of those questions by reading his next adventure.


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