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The fabularies adventures of Zach Galou in Great Briton - where is my spoon?

So actually the two guy were just talking, and then the ridiculous small and expensive metro of London arrived. Imagine a tin can with holes in it for the windows and a light tube inside, that is the London metro.

So actually Zach Galou made his trip to Waterloo station without being murdered, raped, arrested nor did anything funny happened. I know that anything funny happened neither in the two previous story, but I am too lazy to write down just one underground trip, which is as uninteresting as the walls are grey and the soil is dirty.

So once arriving at Waterloo station at 13h27 (well, 1:27 pm) to take the train of 13h30. So far so good, as he had thought about that and already made his reservation. So on the way to platform 9 were the train was leaving, he just stopped too make a arm of onor (remember that our, onnest, eir and our do not take a h!) to the people stacking up into the long queue going to the ticket office "you suckers" shout he. He then proudly produced his reservation for the 20th of July, so far so bad, as we were by that time only th 20th of June. The composting-machine rejected his ticket with as surely as a girl would reject him. And Zach Galou remained with nothing else to do than to play a token in a FIFO queue.

The English cashier eventually attended him and assured him with the most unpleasing voice that he could not refund him his 40 euros ticket and throw him at the face "you bloody French bastard why have you come to England, to forbid us eating bacon on fish at the breakfast? go away!". The fact is that Zach Galou didn't understood any word of what the cashier said for it is almost impossible to understand English when it is actually spoken by natives, so he went out rather disapointed at the fact that the guy didn't know to speak English, "we are in Englond bloody hell" thought he.

Zach Galou was thinking back to his problem, how would he be able to solve the TSP he was confronted with? He remembered that it was written in the last part of the adventure, that this would require the greatest stagecoach possible.

He thus went to the stagecoach office, and requested the biggest one. The rent was of 20 pounds an hour. "So lets see how I could use this stage coach in order to solve this problem and bring glory and onor on my h-number?" thought he. Two horses, a driver and a stagecoach, that is quite unusual to solve problem. I was thinking, thinking and sinking. Then he was almost sleeping on the back of the stage coach when he suddenly recalled the end Aliens 4, when Frodo was shouting at a terminator that he couldn't be his father for he had taken the blue pill. A new light of understanding appeared: he was solving a TSP, not and Hamiltonian path problem, therefore he could take the edges as much as he wanted. He therefore shouted to the driver "Hey you the man that whips at the ears of horses, yes you, we shall already be gone, lets move to Southamster!".


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